Legal News

Latest legal news and
events in our backyard.

A MAN’S home is HIS castle…

Or so the saying goes. True perhaps, but one of the problems with modern day castles is they may not have secure parapets and their locations can be known to all. Through the introduction and initial reading of the Companies (Address Information) Amendment Bill, Parliament is looking at allowing company directors to have their residential addresses removed from public view on the Companies Office website, for safety reasons. The Bill proposes a mechanism where directors can ask the New Zealand

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Upcoming changes to PROPERTY tax and TENANCY laws

Alongside the changes to employment law, the National-ACT-NZ First coalition is bringing in major changes to the property sector. Among the most significant and those likely to affect many of our clients are: TENANCY AND RENTAL MARKET ADJUSTMENTS DEDUCTIBILITY OF MORTGAGE INTEREST FOR LANDLORDS From 1 April 2024, landlords may claim back 80% of the interest they pay as a business expense for their rental properties. The government also announced that next year from 1 April 2025, this deductibility will

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Probationary and Trial Periods: What’s the difference?

In our last Newsletter we covered the imminent changes to employment law flagged by the incoming Government. One of the most significant of these was the extension of the 90 trial period to all businesses, not just those with fewer than 20 employees. It will be interesting to see if this change will have any impact on employment rates, particularly given the technical recession in New Zealand as recently announced. Whether acting on behalf of employers or employees we are

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Should You Make a New Will if You and Your Spouse Separate?

If you are a client, it is likely that you will have heard from us about why you should have a Will. Sometimes changes to your life or family circumstances require a revision to the Will and this can be overlooked. It is not at all surprising that this can happen as the types of things that can trigger issues with Wills are also likely to be significant life events where emotions may be running high. For example, if a

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Changes to the Retirement Villages Act in the wind

The Retirement Villages Act 2003, a crucial legal framework for retirement village governance, is undergoing a very thorough review after two decades of service. With the retirement village sector and elderly population expanding significantly, the need to ensure the legislation remains relevant and effective is important. Why review? The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development initiated the review to seek a better balance between safeguarding residents’ interests and promoting innovation within the sector. The discussion paper, available for reading here

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